Our Sweet Baby Boy

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 10, 2008



I've learned that sleep is just an illusion at this point. I know it's only because he's teething so hard (or I'm praying that all it is!) but it's so hard.

Last night he got up at 11:30 and we were up till a little after one. He just squirmed and moaned the whole time. I ended up sleeping in the spare bedroom with him. He slept until 4:30! I was shocked that he slept so late but really it was the same amount of sleep he usually gets between wakings; 3-4 hours. Dad was up for work at 4:30 so he took care of him - bottle, burp, back to sleep. Dad left a little later for work then he would have liked (5:15 instead of 5) but he'll get over it. He then slept until 7 before I pulled him into bed with me and then we got up at 8:15...

I figured the past month I've been going on 4-5 hours of sleep a night... I haven't gotten more then 3 hours of sleep at a time and no more then 5 hours of total sleep a night...

Dad doesn't work tomorrow so he can deal with the nite wakings tonight and I get to sleep...

I'm so exhausted!

We're going to walk down to Lynn's in a little bit and Alice is going to teach me to knit! I'm super excited about this. I've always wanted to learn, and tried to teach myself, but never had any luck.... My first project is a scarf!!! Then babylegs for Coop!!!


